About us

Intercalate.co.uk is a free resource from Hull York Medical School providing comprehensive up-to-date information about the intercalation options available to you across the UK. We have teamed up with medical schools and universities across the UK to provide a database of the programmes currently available to help you decide which one is right for you.

There are many intercalation courses open to medicine students but the choices can be daunting and the information hard to find. We have designed www.intercalate.co.uk to make it as easy as possible to search for the best course for you to help you in your chosen career. Intercalation is a great opportunity but a big commitment so we want to ensure you have everything you need to make an informed decision.

Please let us know if you feel we need to make improvements to this site – we have designed it with you in mind so your feedback is very important to us. We hope this resource is useful to you and wish you the best of luck with your studies.